Black Friday and Cyber Monday may be over, but the season of giving is far from done. Especially when you consider that gadgets and accessories are really a year round thing. We usually just need an excuse when to give them to our loved ones. If you’re still on the fence what to get such a person, for example, your super mom or super wife, take a gander at your lengthy list to fill stockings this 2016. But, mind you, gadgets are really no one gender’s domain, and some non-moms might find something delightful in our season’s picks as well.
Plantronics BackBeat PRO 2
Whether on the go or even just at home, there are times when you’ll want to keep your music to yourself, in which case you’ll want to get a pair of headphones. There are dozens if not hundreds to choose from, ranging from in-ear buds to hulking headsets. Few, however, will be able to offer quality features at an affordable price. The BackBeat PRO 2 from Plantronics is notable not only for its quality output but for also providing active noise cancellation, something only high-end headphones offer. It works with both wireless and wired connections as well. All that for a sub-$200 price tag.